There are sets of personal hygiene rules in Islam set for Muslims, and Toile etiquettes are one of them. Toile etiquettes in Islam dictate the rules to follow before, during, and after using the toilet. This toilet etiquette code is referred to as “Qada al Hajah” in the holy book – The Quran.
If water is no available for cleaning, Islam allows some other items like toilet paper for cleansing. Though many sources regard toilet paper to be unsuitable as a cleaning material, these sources also recognize that these items may be the only available cleaning material in certain situations.
There are some controversies surrounding the use of toilet paper for cleaning and these issues are explained below.
So, Do Muslims Use Toilet Paper?
Yes! Muslims can use toilet paper for cleaning, but only when pure water is unavailable.
A toilet paper is acceptable if it cleans your body part effectively without splitting up and re-contaminating your body. As long as there is water available, whether in that place or somewhere nearby, you are not allowed to replace water with tissue paper. This means you need to put in the effort to find water first, and it is when there is no clean water for cleaning that an issue paper is acceptable.
What Are The Rules Of Cleaning In Islam?
A Muslim, must under the rule, find a right place far from standing water, a shade, or people’s pathways before praying. It is also advisable that Muslims enter the toilet with their left foot and face away from the prayer place.
According to the Hadith of Bukhari, Whenever the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) enters the toilet, he steps in with his left foot and say a prayer that goes, “In the name of Allah, O Allah! I seek refuge in you from all offensive and wicked things”. Following this short prayer, Muslims can use the toilet by stepping the left foot in first. They can always say the “Dua” for the bathroom before entering the toilet.
While on the toilet seat, Muslims must remain silent. Talking or answering greetings from anyone is inappropriate in such a situation. When defecating together, two Muslims should not speak to each other; they are not expected to look at each other’s genitals.
Eating food while using the toilet is against Islam’s cleanliness laws, and it must be avoided by all means. Once defecating or urination is over, they must clean the anus with water with the use of the left hand alongside odd numbers of pebbles or smooth stones that the Quran refers to as “Hijaarah” or “Jamrah.” This law can be found in the Sahih Al-Bukhari 161, Book 4, Hadith 127.
It is now common for Muslims to wipe their anuses with toilet paper when there is no clean water source. These rules are also applicable to cleaning the Vulva, which must remain clean with water and with the use of the left hand after urinating. This type of washing is known as “Istinja,” and it is commonly done with a vessel’s aid.
When leaving the toilet after defecating or urinating, you may step out with your right foot first and then say the “Dua” for leaving the bathroom. Thus, the dua for leaving the bathroom goes thus, “Praise be to Allah who relieved me of the filth and gave me relief.”
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In Islamic law, cleanliness is not a choice but part of our faith. For this reason, Islam teaches us that our body’s conditions will affect the state of our spirit.
When it comes to cleaning vessels, any vessel is acceptable in Islam as long as it is clean and can hold water. It is also essential to use your left hand to wash because the right hand must be clean for eating. A milk jug, for instance, is acceptable because it comes with a mouth that can control the spillage of liquid.
This group of laws simply means that in addition to using a clean vessel, the one you choose must provide complete control over water flow.
Today, a wide range of vessels are available for cleaning. The “Muslim shower,” for instance, is a modern cleaning vessel approved for cleaning. It comprises a mini shower head alongside a hose that you can attach to the wall on the toilet’s right side. You will have to contend with the high-water pressure, though; hence this option may be suitable for general cleaning and not h for the quick toilet use cleaning.
Not being prepared can complicate cleaning after defecation at work for some reasons, but here are simple ways of handling things. If you can hold it at work until you get home, you may want to create a makeshift relief system where you can use a disposable cup or empty bottle for cleaning.
Some people often use the primitive method of soaking toile tissue up before entering the toilet. The problem with this is that the toilet paper may disintegrate fast and even create more mess; hence it is not an acceptable form of cleaning in Islam.
Another issue with office use of the toilet is that once you are done with the use of the toilet and cleanup, the law states you may avoid speaking with anyone for the rest of the office work. Though, this could be very difficult to observe, it can help you complete your cleanliness rite.
The use of portable douches has also become very popular in the modern era, and you will likely see working-class Muslims carrying them around at work. Some are referred to as lotas, and these can easily fit inside your handbag or pocket depending on its size. Some also look like the empty Capri-Suns with some screw-top lids that you can easily roll up when you want to clean yourself.
If you want to achieve a longer reach plus higher water streams, you should rather go for plastic bottles that come with nozzles on the bottle’s end that you can easily dismantle into two. Some of these bottles also come with tiny holes at the bottoms that will make squeezing out water very easy. You have to be careful with these types of bottles not to leave water rail after you when you leave the toilet.
If you are not willing to spend on some professional anus-cleaning product, here are some travel-lodge kettles and glass tumblers you may want to invest in. These items are good ravel companion for cleaning after yourself after using the toilet.
Challenges With Using Toilet Paper For Cleaning
The main challenge with the use of toilet paper is the panic buying as a result of the Covid19 pandemic. Today, many stores are struggling to keep up with the demand for toilet papers. With sustained toilet paper shortages, many people have resorted to the use of other items like newspapers which are totally prohibited for cleaning in Islam
. In addition to newspaper, the use of other items like pieces of clothes are also prohibited for cleaning under Islam.
The tissue paper scarcity challenge has made it very compulsory for Muslims around the world to carry water around even when the tissue paper scarcity subsides. The toilet paper crisis has led to individuals using baby wipes, paper towels and napkins- All these items are not approved for cleaning after toilet use. According to research, Americans has spent more than 100% of what they spent on toilet papers in 2020 in thethe last 4 weeks. This simply shows that the scarcity of toilet paper may not abate until the Covid19 pandemic itself abates.
The most important approach to the issue of the use of toilet paper for cleaning after using the toilet is preparedness. As the average person may visit the toilet more than a dozen times in a day, storing more water supply is a must.
There are different kinds of toilet papers, the single roll and double roll are quite common. The single roll toilet papers are very thin and may not be the ideal option for cleaning. You should go for the double toilet paper roll that are much thicker because they clean more efficiently. Though double roll toilet paper is more expensive than single roll toilet paper, they hold firmer in the hand and they don tear up easily like such single rolls.
After the use of the toilet, a Muslim must clean his or her private parts with clean water to keep his body clean and holy to God. According to the Holy Quran 9:108, “Allah loves those who always keep themselves clean and pure”. Despite all the challenges that have been happening as regards toilet paper, and cleanliness, it is important to store as many supplies of these items at home and work in as much as we will store water for private use. Cleanliness is only next to Godliness, and that is an adage every Muslim must follow, to fulfill their religious obligations and please God.
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