AA signature, also known as the “Alcoholics Anonymous” signature, can be described as a mutual aid fellowship signature that confirms the stated purpose of placing its members under oath to remain sober and help other alcoholics attain a sobriety state.
This organization belongs to self-supporting, non-professional men and women who decide to join the international fellowship based on a volunteering basis. It is an organization of individuals who are recovering or have recovered from an alcohol consumption crisis. It is a multi-racial and multi-cultural organization that is available everywhere, and there are no age, education, or another stringent requirement to become a member.
How Do Your Forge AA Meeting Signature?
The best and easiest way you can forge an AA signature is to approach someone who attends many meetings. This person has lots of signature sheets, and he can help you write this letter with a non-susceptible signature added. This will cost a few bucks, but it is more professional than doing it yourself, and the court may not detect such forgery.
How Does The Court-Ordered Alcoholics Anonymous Work?
You may end up facing the court-mandated attendance of the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings; hence you may be wondering what happens there or what will happen once you completed such sessions.
If you wonder what exactly takes place at AA meetings, mostly how it works, what you will gain there, and how you will prove you attended it, you should read further below.
First, the court will order you into the AA meetings if you have a court conviction over drunk-driving or related issues or if you were involved in a domestic violence situation. Due to prisons’ overcrowding nature and the high costs of running such prisons, diversionary programs such as the AA to convicts instead of jail time.
Besides AA, other similar programs recommended to perpetrators of alcohol-related crimes include; membership of professional drug and alcohol-related facility, or enrolment in a professional therapy or counseling. In some cases, attending an alternative support group similar to AA will be recommended.
What Are The Steps To Attending Court-Ordered AA Meetings?
In most states, the courts do not order convicts to attend AA meetings; instead, you may have to report to a probation officer or a caseworker who has the responsibilities to oversee your participation in the sentencing program like AA. There are five steps generally involved in this;
Take The Alcohol Screening Test
One of the first things your probation officer or any other person assigned to your case will do is give you an alcohol screening test to understand your drinking addiction levels clearly. These tests will not ask for the quantity of alcohol you consume because it is quite common for people to downplay their consumption level. These tests will ask about the consequences of your drinking issue, for instance, whether you have skipped work before.
The alcohol screening tests may comprise many components that can take several days or weeks to complete. The alcohol in urine and blood tests are prevalent, and samples may have to be taken almost daily.
Many court jurisdictions will deliberately spread the alcohol tests to ensure that they get the most accurate results. The court knew that some individuals might only hide their alcoholism issue for a while, and since alcohol can still stay in the system for days, they will obtain the best results by comparing several days of test results.
Some court jurisdictions may also order tests of other substances such as marijuana and other hard drugs to aggravate alcoholism symptoms.
Be Sure Of The Number Of Required AA Meetings
Once you complete your alcohol tests, the court officer will closely examine it and make a final declaration on your level of alcoholism. The court officer may decide you don’t have a drinking issue but just a minor issue. Alternatively, they might recommend you for an AA meeting if you have an alcohol disorder.
The number of AA meetings you will be ordered to take will depend on the officer’s evaluation. With his in mind, you may have to attend from a meeting to several AA meetings. If multiple offenses have appeared on your record that can be linked to alcoholism, you might be asked even to attend more AA meetings.
Since different states do have a separate minimum number of AA meetings one must attend, it is possible to find another form to participate in such discussions. This will depend on the agreement with the court for monitoring compliance with such meetings.
Though, the number of AA meetings required do not change except when the convict fails at the end to meet up with minimum required meetings. AA meetings are usually not the only requirements that must be met by a convict, other things or requirements must also be fulfilled to regain freedom.
Get Your Card Signed
Once you have been told how many meetings you will attend to meet up with your court obligations, you will get a piece of paper from your case staff where you will list the days you attend your AA meetings alongside the time and places where you attended the meetings. This paper is referred to as “Slip” or “Card”, and you will take this card with you to each meeting.
On your AA meeting card is a space for someone at the meeting to append his or her signature. This is usually the meeting’s secretary or chair person. One reason why many people try to forge signatures of AA meetings is when they couldn’t meet up with the minimum number of times required for AA meeting attendance.
You may find AA meeting where cards are not signed all the time, the process of signing AA cards can thus be controversial in many cases. Some members believe that not signing AA cards is controversial and it violates the group’s traditions.
The reason why some AA groups do not sign cards is because they don want people who are forced into joining the group to attend their meetings. Groups where AA meetings end with the signing of cards want members who are genuinely interested in living better quality lives. It will be helpful if an individual asks the group whether they sign AA membership cards, before joining such groups. Most groups that offer “Open” meetings will likely sign AA cards or slips.
Attending The First Meeting
AA groups are anonymous, and it is important to keep this in mind. With the anonymous status, you may not have to reveal your real names to anyone at the AA meeting group. In addition to not mentioning your names, you are not obliged to say anything at the meeting if you choose not to do so.
AA remains a mutual support group, hence there is no therapist to question or interview. Some court officers will allow you to take part in online AA meetings if you have disabilities, and each meeting you attend will be counted without the need for signatures. Not all court jurisdictions allow online AA meetings hence you must confirm the ones that allow such.
In terms of signing AA meeting attendants, some AA groups will send email to confirm your attendant of meetings. The first meeting of AA group is usually the most important one for most convicts as the courts will get convinced of the seriousness of the individual after attending the first few meetings. If the convicted individual fails to attend one or more AA meetings, they must provide explanations for such absenteeism.
Keep in mind that you will only be allowed to attend online meetings only when there is no alternative.
Turning Your Signed AA Cards
Once you have attended the minimum number of AA meetings and you have signed your AA card or received online confirmation for online meeting attendance, you will have to turn your card to your validation or probation officer for validation.
In addition to turning your card in, you will need to meet up with some other requirements in order to complete your court requirements. You will be required to complete your rehab also. When your AA cards have been turned in, the court will notify you on the next step to take to take where your case will be reviewed positively or unfavorably.
It is advisable to avoid forging AA signatures since many court jurisdictions do have forensic experts that cross-check such signatures. In most cases, the court may also contact the secretary or chair person of the group to confirm the attendance of meetings. If the convict is caught forging signatures, the requirements of completing one’s jail terms may become more stringent and, in most cases, the number of minimum AA meetings will be extended. In some cases, the court may terminate the AA or rehabilitation requirement and send the convict to jail instead. Regardless of the outcome of the AA terms , the court must be convinced that a convict will not return to their alcoholism state.
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