Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Lie Down

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Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Lie Down

There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning and feeling nauseous, dizzy, and with an aching stomach. However, you’re not alone. Everyone from adults to children experiences this at some point in their life. And there are various reasons why your stomach hurts when you lie down. Eating too much fatty or spicy food is one of the common causes of an upset stomach. But there are also other reasons why your stomach hurts when you lie down. In this article, we will discuss 6 common reasons and solutions for why your stomach hurts when you lie down.

Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Lie Down?

When you lie down, your stomach moves up and puts pressure on your diaphragm. This can cause the stomach to push acids up into the esophagus, which can cause pain. The pain may also be caused by acid reflux, where the acids from your stomach flow back up into your esophagus.

What To Do When Your Stomach Hurts When You Lie Down

1. Eat bland foods

Eating bland foods is the best way to treat an upset stomach. These include boiled brown rice, boiled potatoes, and plain yogurt. Eat these foods in small portions. If you are not able to eat it in a single day, try eating it two or three times a day. Don’t eat too much at once.

2. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water is an effective way to cure an upset stomach when you lie down as well as when you stand up. Your body needs water to function properly and maintain proper hydration levels. When your body is dehydrated, it will feel uncomfortable and your stomach will hurt when you lie down or stand up. Drinking plenty of water can help relieve this discomfort and help keep your stomach healthy for a long time. Make sure that you drink enough water, without drinking too much at once so that your body feels comfortably hydrated all through the day.

3. Drink peppermint tea

Peppermint tea helps to relieve stomach aches when you lie down. It works by reducing the acidity of your stomach and relieves the pain. You can find peppermint tea at any local grocery store or online. If you are not able to buy it, try making it at home as follows

4. Take an antacid pill or chew some chewing gum

Taking an antacid pill or chewing some chewing gum are effective ways to relieve your stomach ache when you lie down. These require less time than drinking peppermint tea, but they work just as well to help ease the pain in your stomach and keep it away for longer periods of time as well. You can also try taking a digestive supplement like Pepcid AC or generic Pepcid AC, which is the generic version of the drug Pepcid AC. These are available over the counter at pharmacies or online stores.

5. Eat a little bit of bread

Eating a little bit of bread is an effective way to relieve your stomach ache when you lie down as well as when you stand up. Bread contains a lot of water and is easy to digest, making it an ideal food for relieving stomach aches when you lie down or stand up. You can eat bread with a large glass of milk or eat it on its own without any other food in between meals.

Constipation And Stomach Ache

1. Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common causes of stomachache when you lie down. Constipation is a condition where you have hard stools and are unable to pass stool. This can cause a lot of pain and discomfort in the stomach. And it doesn’t just affect adults; it also affects children. Therefore, it is important to prevent constipation in children so that they don’t develop an upset stomach when they lie down. One way to prevent constipation in children is by having them drink enough water, more than six glasses per day, especially during the summer season, and after playing sports or playing outside for long hours.

2. Stomach Ache While Lying Down

Stomach ache while lying down is another common cause of stomachache when you lie down. It occurs due to pressure on your abdomen or lower back area caused by lying on your belly or back all day long. Another reason why this happens is due to poor posture while sitting down and while lying down. This can be solved by making sure that you sit up straight when you’re seated and also sitting with your back straight when you lie down.

3. Stomach Ache Due to Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is a natural way to cure stomach aches when you lie down. However, there are some herbs that have side effects on the stomach, which may cause stomachache when you lie down, such as aloe vera and ginger. Some of the herbal medicines that have side effects on the stomach include camomile, catnip, chamomile, dandelion root tea, fennel seed oil, ginseng root oil, hops extract (hops are used for beer making), licorice root extract (licorice is used for digestion), marjoram oil (used for cooking or as herbal medicine), peppermint oil (used in cooking or as herbal medicine), and spearmint oil (used in cooking or as herbal medicine).

4. Stomach Ache Due to Stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of stomachache when you lie down. Stress can cause stomach aches or pains due to the emotional stress that it brings to your body, which can also lead to physical stress on your body. This can be prevented by minimizing your stress levels and being more relaxed before going to bed at night. This can also be done through yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. It is also important that you don’t eat too many fried foods, deep-fried food, greasy food, or alcohol before going to bed at night because these foods tend to make one feel more stressed out than usual.

5. Stomach Ache Due to Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can cause stomachache when you lie down due to dehydration caused by the alcohol and the bad effects of drinking too much alcohol that can lead to other diseases. You should avoid drinking alcohol if you want to avoid stomachache when you lie down.

6. Stomach Ache Due to Sausage Eating

Sausage eating is a common cause of stomachache when you lie down because the food usually contains lots of fat, which can lead to indigestion, constipation, and bloating. It is important that you avoid eating too much fat in your diet if you want to avoid stomachache when you lie down.

Hormonal Changes During Periods

1. Hormonal changes during menstrual periods

If you’ve ever had a period, you must be familiar with the uncomfortable feeling that it gives you. This is because of the hormonal changes that are present in your body during the time of your menstrual cycle. The most common symptom of this is an upset stomach and belly pain.

2. Hormonal changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes make the body release various hormones into the bloodstream which causes nausea and vomiting. Many women experience these symptoms as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy. There are also many other reasons why your stomach hurts when you lie down that can be attributed to pregnancy such as nausea, dizziness, breast tenderness, fatigue, and mood swings.

3. Hormonal changes associated with menopause

Most women go through menopause at some point in their life when they experience an increase in vaginal dryness and unpleasant feelings such as hot flashes, night sweats, and irritability. These symptoms are primarily caused by the increase in levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

4. Hormonal changes associated with puberty

The body undergoes a rapid change during puberty, where it goes through a series of hormonal changes that include puberty, sexual maturation, growth spurts, and muscle mass increases. These hormonal changes can cause upset stomach and belly pain.

5. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormone levels elevate to much higher levels than normal causing nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and mood swings. Some pregnant women also experience abdominal cramps and pain during this time.


That’s all about the 6 common reasons and solutions for why your stomach hurts when you lie down. If you’re experiencing pain in your stomach, it’s important to figure out the cause so you can tackle it head-on. When your stomach hurts, it can be hard to pinpoint what’s causing the pain. There are a variety of reasons for abdominal pain, and the pain might be different each time. It’s important to note that when your stomach hurts, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an underlying serious medical condition. The pain could be caused by something as simple as indigestion or overeating.

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